Lineage 2 classic x3 - english

RootRoot is verified member.

Ancient of project
Staff member
Melcosoft Family

The first International server Lineage 2 Classic opens with rates x3 on the project!
This will be the official server with updates chronicles (not java assembly(L2J), it's official Retail Server)

Game Client (Torrent Link)
Register account - Soon works en version, you can use
Account activation - Soon works en version, you can use
More start here! - - Soon works en version, you can use

Closed Forum Forum is connected to the personal account here!

Game server Classic x3 includes:

XP: x3
SP: x3
ADENA: x3 (adjusted to playing the Classic)
DROP: x3 (adjusted to playing the Classic)
SPOIL: x3 (adjusted to playing the Classic)
QUEST: x3 (xp / Adena)

Each player will receive a startup bonuses. Read more about it you can read in the closed section of the forum after the activating of Classic account.

Support remains at the same address -

The game world will include the work of:
A standard set of 5 races
A standard set of classes
A standard set of cities at the time of C1
The standard configuration Pati and drop rate value for the party
Outfit to B-c.
Siege off.
The Olympics is not available
The maximum level of 75
Cursed weapons off!
Vitality no
Game shop off
Event at the time of start off (the shortest possible only Christmas event!)
Updates to these chronicles C2 - after 4-6 months of work.

For all additional questions, please contact the support or in this topic.
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